“Excellent Support turnaround times and solutions for resolving our questions. Works incredibly well with our .Net WPF components that reside within Powerbuilder Data Windows ” What we liked most: Automated Tests are highly repeatable without Object Recognition or timing errors. Easy to install/configure Easy to control Test Runs via command line/Powershell scripts Capable of testing .Net […]

“Ascential Test is the most suitable program to test Powerbuilder applications. The basic tests are easy to compile in the editor, and with the help of scripts almost anything you want can be automated. The support from Zeenyx is excellent.” What we liked most: The application has a logical structure and is fairly intuitive to […]
Zeenyx® AscentialTest Self-Guided Tutorial for PowerBuilder Thank you for choosing to evaluate AscentialTest. This tutorial will guide you through the process of building an AscentialTest project for a PowerBuilder target application. It will help you learn the basic features of AscentialTest quickly so that you can apply the same techniques to your target application. Please […]
Most PowerBuilder applications contain at least one toolbar. AscentialTest recognizes the individual tools in the toolbar, using the ‘RenderImage’ feature. Follow these steps to define PowerBuilder Toolbar objects: Find the tool bar element in the Elements tree and drag it to the App Objects tree under the App Object definition for the application’s main window: […]

“After an initial relatively steep learning curve, tests can be implemented very easily and the maintenance using the step concept is very user-friendly. ” What we liked most: Concept of reusable steps Recognition of object in a snapshot CICD automation Professional support

“We have found the tool easy to use (after initial training), even for novices, and it works very well over PowerBuilder apps. Support from Zeenyx has been outstanding, they are extremely helpful and will spent whatever time is needed helping us get scripts working. I have found the tool slightly more difficult to get working […]