AscentialTest provides a table interface that allows the user to easily get, verify, select and set table elements in the target application. This document provides instructions on how to use that interface to generate the following types of actions: Get or verify the contents of a table Get or verify the contents of a row […]
The AscentialTest selector is a powerful feature that provides a way to select one or more rows in a table. Once the row has been selected, it’s easy to get, set or verify values for any column/cell in the row. Although the selector has many other applications in AscentialTest, this paper concentrates on how to […]

AscentialTest provides an automated testing platform where robust and flexible tests can be developed with drag and drop. Yet there are some situations where using the Zee Language can be a benefit to making tests more efficient.

Efficiency can be gained in testing projects by increasing re-usability to reduce the number of steps. Reuse is increased by building flexible steps that respond to test data inputs and refer to objects indirectly.

This webinar will demonstrate how to get text from a target application and parse it for test verification. Participants will learn how to:
capture text using low level commands and the system clipboard
use the Zee List class or organize captured text
use the Zee String class to parse text

While most testing tasks can be accomplished in AscentialTest without scripting, the Zee language is a full-featured, object-oriented language that provides the ability to build test automation capabilities beyond drag and drop.